Monday, 19 September 2016

Warning signs of heart attack in adults revealed

The statistics of the Heart Foundation reveal that more than 425,000 men and women in the US suffer from heart attacks. On an average, 264,00 die from cardiovascular complications every year. Out of these deaths, around 60 percent of individuals are under 50. This clearly indicates that cardiovascular problems have taken a serious form for almost a decade. The possible signs of heart attack in younger adults have been revealed.

Obesity and laziness

Obesity is one of the core reasons for heart problems, researchers claim. If you are overweight, there are chances that you will soon develop the heart problems.  A recently published study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology clarifies that heart attacks are common among people who live lazy lives. It means those who are not into physical activities suffer from a variety of disorders quickly. You should control your weight. Do regular exercises, and avoid junk food items.
At the same time, it is mandatory that you don’t eat anything prior to the bedtime. Researchers from Yale University have reported that during 2015, about 4 percent of adults, from 25 to 45, were hospitalized because of the severe problem of acidity. It has now been proved that if you eat right before the bedtime, your digestive system gets disturbed. As a result, you suffer from various cardiovascular and digestive problems.

Difficulty breathing or overheating

If you have the problem of difficult breathing, you should get yourself checked by a healthcare professional immediately. Studies suggest that adults should walk up the stairs, or do other physical activities on a daily basis. If they suffer from difficult breathing during any of these processes, it could be a sign of potential heart attack. Frequently the young men and women complain that they rarely do any exercise as they are suffering from pulmonary conditions like COPD or asthma. Doctors recommend that such individuals should change their lifestyle. Avoiding physical activities and living a lazy life can also cause heart attacks. Do you feel overheated during the winter season? This could be a warning sign of heart attack. If you suddenly feel that you have started sweating in an air-conditioned room, this is time to consult your doctor.


Among the many reasons for heart attack, anxiety is a prominent one. These days, the hectic routine of life disturbs our mind and body to a greater extent. Many working men and women develop anxiety and depression. If you continuously suffer from this issue and do not pay any attention, there are chances that you will soon have a heart attack. You should not stress yourself for anything. Just keep on working, and try to avoid the situations that make you feel bad. 

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